Large Scale Exploration Licenses (LEL) are issued to companies for the purpose of exploring and prospecting for mineral resources in Zambia. In this article, we will explore what Large Scale Exploration Licenses are, their requirements, and the process for obtaining one in Zambia.
Large Scale Exploration Licenses (LEL) are issued to companies for the purpose of exploring and prospecting for mineral resources in Zambia. In this article, we will explore what Large Scale Exploration Licenses are, their requirements, and the process for obtaining one in Zambia.

What is a Large Scale Exploration License?

A Large Scale Exploration License is a legal document issued by the Department of Mining Cadastre under the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development to Companies for the purpose of exploring and conducting all activities related to the exploration for minerals in a specified area as provided for under Section 25 of the Mines and Minerals Development Act 2015.

How long is the License valid?

The license is valid for a period of four (4) years and can be renewed for a further four (4) years with the maximum tenure being 10 years.

What do I need to apply for a Large Scale exploration license?

Requirements for a Large Scale Exploration License To qualify for a Large Scale Exploration License, the following requirements must be met:
  1. Company registration: The company must be registered with the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) in Zambia. (The law does not put a restriction on the nationality of the Shareholders. This means any national can incorporate a company in Zambia and apply for the Large scale exploration license e.g a company comprised of only Chinese nationals).
  2. Technical capability: The company must demonstrate technical capability and have the necessary equipment and expertise to conduct exploration and prospecting activities.
  3. Financial capability: The company must demonstrate financial capability to carry out exploration and prospecting activities in the licensed area.
  4. Environmental and social impact assessment: The company must conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the proposed exploration activities and obtain approval from the Environmental Council of Zambia.
  5. Compliance with mining regulations: The company must comply with all mining regulations and laws in Zambia.

Process for obtaining a Large Scale Exploration License

The process for obtaining a Large Scale Exploration License in Zambia involves the following steps:
  1. Application: The company applies for a Large Scale Exploration License by completing submitting an application in the prescribed form and paying the applicable statutory fees, accompanied by all relevant supporting documents to the Department of Mining Cadastre.
  2. Evaluation: The Department of Mining Cadastre will evaluate the application and ensures that it has meet all the statutory requirements and all related fees have been paid.
  3. Approval: If the application meets all requirements, the application is then tabled before the Mining License Committee (MLC) to approve and grant the Large Scale Exploration License.
  4. Renewal: The license holder can apply for a renewal of the licence for a further period of four (4) years for a maximum tenure of 10 years.
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